McClendon Scholar Lecture with E.J. Dionne of Washington Post
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
1313 New York Ave
Washington DC
Who can attend
Limited Capacity: 19 spots available
The next McClendon Scholar program on Monday, December 9 at 7:00 PM EST that will feature E.J. Dionne of the Washington Post. He will speak on the topic of “The Election: What Does it Mean? What Should We Do Now?” and then engage in discussion with those who are present. If you live in the Washington, DC area, I hope you will register now to join us in person at 1313 New York Avenue, NW in downtown Washington, DC.You can sign up on the same registration site for in-person attendance and to receive the zoom link for the webinar. (Registering on this Cheverly Village let's us know of your interest in this post, and you will get a reminder email of the event.) |
I hope you will plan now to join us for this program. I know that many of us are still trying to make sense of the results of the November 5th election and are looking for helpful insight and wisdom. I think that hearing E.J. Dionne’s perspective can be a big help as we seek to understand what has happened and what we should do now.