Cheverly Village Book Club
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Who can attend
Limited Capacity: 12 spots available
The January book selection is The Rare Coin Score by Richard Stark (also known as Donald Westlake). Dealing with a romance and working with an amateur, Parker manages to steal two million dollars worth of coins.
When it comes to heists, Parker believes in some cardinal rules. On this job, he breaks two of them: never bring a dame along—especially not one you like—and never, ever, work with amateurs. Nevertheless, with the help of a creepy coin collector named Billy, and the lure of a classy widow, he agrees to set up a heist of a coin convention. But Billy’s a rookie with no idea how to pull off a score, and the lady soon becomes a major distraction. The Rare Coin Score marks the first appearance of Claire, who pulls off her own heist on Parker's heart—while together they steal two million dollars worth of coins
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Cheverly Village Book Club
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 PM
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